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Matrix panel

The MATRIX panel is the heart of the BAM project structure, displayed as a grid of cells containing colored MIDI clips for each numbered track, and white scene launcher buttons on the Master track (M).

Triggering a clip

To trigger a single clip simply press the clip you want to trigger. This action also selects the clip, which is shown by a white border around the clip’s cell. A clip that is in a trigger state is shaded brighter than non-trigger state clips. As a clip plays, a visual indication of its playback position is represented by a progressive horizontal shading graduating from left to right. When the end of the clip is reached, it will automatically loop back to the start of the clip and playback will continuously loop until the clip is stopped.

Pressing a different clip on the same track will select and trigger the new clip (synchronizing the start of playback based on the ‘Trigger quantisation’ project settings - accessed via the cog icon on the bottom toolbar.)

Pressing a clip from a different track will select and trigger the new clip, synchronizing the playback with currently playing clips. You can see that both clips are now selected because they both have a white border, and both clips will also have brighter shading to show they are currently in triggered state.

Selecting a clip without triggering

To select a clip without triggering it, press the clip while SHIFT is active. This will give the clip a white border which signals the clip is selected, but the shading of the clip will not change as the clip is not triggered.

Triggering a scene

Pressing a scene launcher button on the master channel will trigger playback of all clips on the same horizontal row, adhering to the project ‘Trigger quantisation’ setting.

Selecting a scene without triggering

To select a scene without triggering it, press the scene while SHIFT is active.

MATRIX clip and scene context menus

Pressing and holding or right clicking a clip or empty cell reveals a pop-up context menu to perform relevant actions:

Pressing and holding a scene button reveals a pop-up context menu to perform relevant actions:

Audio Clips

Clips may play both MIDI and audio. Dragging an audio file from the Browser to a Matrix cell will load the audio into the clip. When loaded, tempo is automatically detected and the audio is time stretched to match the project tempo.

The Audio Clip Properties panel - opened through the Matrix clip context menu - can be used to manually adjust the reported audio tempo and other clip settings such as clip length and time signature.

Matrix panel overview

Note: (B) designates the tempo of the loaded audio, meaning the project will treat the audio as if its tempo were the reported value when stretching it. For instance, an audio clip with a tempo of 60 BPM in a 120 BPM project will play at twice its original speed.

Scene Follow Actions

For automatic transitions between scenes and song arrangement purposes, scenes can be assigned a follow action event to occur after a specified number of bars and beats from the moment the scene is triggered. To assign a follow action, select the scene and then use the follow action settings above the Matrix. Scenes that have a follow action assigned show a two-letter abbreviation of the follow action type. Follow actions are only applied when the scene is triggered.

If the song is stopped while a scene is running, the scene launcher and all playing clips will remain in the triggered state. Pressing the play button will launch the scene from the beginning, and continue follow actions if present. Pressing the stop button of the master track clears all triggered states. Doing this and then triggering a clip allows you to play a single clip.

The different types of follow actions are detailed below as part of the MATRIX UI overview.

Matrix panel overview

Pressing a track stop button will stop that track’s playing clip. Pressing the master track stop button stops all playing clips as well as removing all triggered states.

You can access additional functions for some tools by using them with the SHIFT button engaged, which is located at the bottom right corner of the app.

SHIFT functions:

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